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We currently provide small saturday classes, private tuition, birthday parties and educational  services

Saturday School


Our weekly classes are based in a clean friendly local environment where your child will learn new skills, meet new friends and enjoy yummy healthy treats.


Price per child is £4 and siblings can be included for half price, all materials are included. and menus vary each week.


Please see our calendar for current schedual.




Private Tuition


We provide a tailored private tuition schedual for both you and your child. Where nutritional needs can be explored to help you and your family learn new ways of cooking.


It can be fully designed to any aspect of cooking both savory, sweet or a combination. Previous examples have included. 


Gluten and Wheat free. Egg free baking. Diabetic nutrition and  lactose free 




Educational services


We provide classes in schools across the North West of England, ranging from full term timetables, to one off showcases.


Please use our contact page for tailored prices and more information 

Birthday Parties


Put the fun into your childs party with affordable baking fun.


Where the children will be able to make thier own cakes and tasty treats to enjoy.


Catering avaliable either in your own home or in your local play centre. 

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